Why Museums and Heritage sites should embrace Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is currently experiencing a spectacular renaissance. The concept itself is nothing new; researchers and entrepreneurs have been exploring the subject for several decades now, with varying degrees of success. The website “The Verge” even put out a fascinating article recently on the chaotic saga of virtual reality entitled: The Rise and Fall and…

GuidiGO for Education / “Viewing Angles” —The Unveiling

At the close of this school year, the prestigious town hall of Paris, district 4, hosted the Paris release of the Viewing Angles project. This unveiling followed five months of diligent work.

Back when the project was launched, its goal was to bring educational establishments and cultural institutions together. We can now see the success of this collaboration, which produced tours and cultural games accessible to all through tablets and computers.

Wearable devices in Museums: Ready for everyone

For the first time in history, museumgoers will have the opportunity to enjoy a completely new experience using Google Glass, during the Velázquez exhibition at the Grand Palais, in Paris.

This exhibition will be the first of its kind, not only because Velázquez has never been featured in an exhibition in France before but also because visitors can experience it in a completely new way, through Google Glass.

GuidiGO new storytelling platform enhances Keith Haring exhibition at the de Young Museum through Google Glass

GuidiGO, the leading storytelling platform for creating next generation guided tours on mobile and wearable devices, partners with the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, to offer the first-ever tour of a complete exhibition on Glass.

To make this stunning experience possible, the team at the Fine Arts Museums selected the new version of GuidiGO Studio that now integrates beacons/ Bluetooth LE technology and Augmented Reality effects. The Fine Arts Museums also partnered with Antenna InternationalTM who produced the content using the GuidiGO platform.

“Keith Haring: The Political Line” through Glass

Glass Explorer Event at San Francisco:

Glass Explorers, you can experience the new exhibition Keith Haring: The Political Line through Glass at the de Young Museum December 2nd through February 16th. GuidiGO has created a phenomenal tour featuring 19 pieces from the exhibition, all with additional content by Antenna InternationalTM delivered through Glass.

Head to Golden Gate Park!